• The Future of Anti-Aging: How Epigenetic Skincare is Changing the Game

    Epigenetic skincare is an emerging field that focuses on using ingredients and treatments to influence gene expression in skin cells, with the goal of slowing or reversing the visible signs of aging. Epigenetics refers to external factors that can modify DNA activity without changing its sequence. These factors, such as sun exposure, pollution, diet, and stress, can activate or deactivate certain parts of our genetic…

  • Keys® Vs. Perricone® – Collagen Skin Builder Shootout

    Keys® Reflex ProBiome® Serum and Perricone MD Hypoallergenic Clean Correction Smoothing Restorative Serum are two anti-aging serums that take different approaches to ingredients and formulation. Let’s compare these products in terms of their natural vs. synthetic ingredients and price. Ingredients Keys® Reflex ProBiome® is made entirely from natural, organic, and unmodified ingredients[1]. Its key components include: – Organic virgin avocado oil – Black seed oil…

  • Out with the Old Bar: The Superior Suds of Liquid Soaps for Modern Cleanliness

    Embrace Radiant Skin: Discover the Gentle Power of Liquid Soaps for Ultimate Cleanliness and Skin Health Over the years, we have been asked why we make only liquid soaps. Bar soap is widespread, and natural bar soap is impossible to make with the essential oil combinations that we insist on using. Ironically, it is the same reason we cannot make lip balms. The formulations will…

  • Luminos: A Revolution in Makeup, by Design

    How Does Luminos Work…A new generation of makeup by design. By Bob Root, Keys Technologist Authors note:  Everywhere I go, women and men  come up to me and say, “Show me that Luminos thing you do?”  They are talking about a little illusion I do with Luminos that is more than an illusion.  I turn my hands, palms down, show them the back of my…

  • Mendacious Trends or Just Plain Lies

    UnNatural Trend In The Natural Products Industry.  “Smiling Faces Sometime Tell Lies.” Mendacious and lying have similar meanings, but the two are not interchangeable.  Mendacious is more formal and literary, suggesting a deception harmless enough to be considered somewhat bland.  Lying is more blunt, accusatory, and often aggressive. You might yell, “You lying rat!” in an argument, but you would most likely stick to the more diplomatic, “Aren’t you being somewhat mendacious?”…

  • Psoriasis Decoded

    Psoriasis Has A Community NIAMS is a research community of the US National Institutes of Health. The NIH is one of the most elite US government institutions dedicated to human health research. It honors both pharmaceutical and natural solutions to disease. The mission of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases is to support research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of…

  • Keys Made in America

    Are Keys Products Made in America? YES! A few years back, a disabled American soldier wrote the book “Buy American.” Alex Nelson said it was our duty to buy American to preserve our manufacturing place in the world. Today more than ever it is even more prescient and meaningful to buy American because all those toys, electronics, and skincare made in China are just not…

  • Remembering Steve Jobs 🍎

    You might ask yourself, what does Steve Jobs have to do with Keys. It is a fair question. The answer is a lot! It is important to us to remember the anniversary of his death ten years ago October 5. Bob Root, Keys Scientist, was heavily involved with the launch of the Macintosh computer both at Apple and through Chiat Day. Bob credits Steve with…

  • Alternative Skin Health for Me

    Alternative Skin: My Annual Plea The meaning of alternative skin health for me is me taking responsibility for my skin health. Being responsible for me as the manager of me. Yes, I consult with doctors and experts, but I am ultimately responsible for my well-being and my skin health.  So are you. Keys’ quest for skin health began in 1996 when I was diagnosed and…

  • Special Important Notice – China

    China Severe Shipping Bottleneck- Critical Message, August 30, 2021 Dear Customers and Retailers, As you probably have read the headlines, there is a severe supply situation worldwide resulting from Covid. It is becoming extremely tough to get products and materials out of China. It is the proverbial Catch-22!  Keys have no immunity to this situation because some containers we use are made in China. As…

  • Social Media Stealing Your Privacy?

    For over fifteen years, Keys has strived to develop products that solve skin problems and make people feel good using natural ingredients and remedies. For the last five years, we have battled fake news by fake people playing the 'natural car' when they are far from it. Their tool has been social media, and their game is false claims. I see it every day, and…

  • Alert – FDA Blocks Sanitizer Imports As Toxic

    You should be on alert that the FDA has halted import of all alcohol-based sanitizers made in Mexico. Many US off-brand sanitizers use Mexican sanitizer. Many are sold in bulk to grocery and retail stores for customer use at the front door. FDA found 87% to contain toxic ingredients and wood alcohol even though they claim to be Ethanol.

  • BUH BYE Facebook

    Keys® Joins Companies in Closing Their Facebook Account & Business Pages The following is a direct quote and open letter from Keys® CEO, Wendy Steele.   "I made one of the easiest business decisions of my career. I closed our Facebook account."

  • Greenwashing and Vaporware – Naturally (OpED)

    The natural skin products industry has never been regulated since the invention of the snake oil salesperson. The industry operates under the 'GRAS' banner, which means "Generally Accepted As Safe." Simply, this means that there is a lot of good in the industry and some bad.

  • “Best Of” Are Fake News

    Those full page "articles" in magazines and eZines showing products strewn about with the headline Best Of xxx.  Many say "editors choice or editors pick."  The one thing they all have in common is they are fake purchased advertising. They are not editor picks, they are bought positioning.

  • Are We Aging Faster?

    7 Reasons People Are Aging Faster by Bob Root – the Author of Chemical-Free Skin Health & Keto Plus I was recently asked in an interview if people are visibly aging faster or slower than ten years ago. The answer is both yes and no. Kudos to some big companies that followed the wallets of knowledgeable consumers. Ten years ago, there was a handful of…

  • Give Blood – The Benefits are Yours & Theirs

    Our business is your skin health.  A big part is your general health and periodically, we see or hear things that need repeating.  In this time of C-19, the need for blood donations is at an all-time critical level.  So we offer the following as a rational of how you benefit health-wise and spiritually by giving blood.  Please consider donating today for your benefit and…

  • Grocery Shop Smart – Not Often!

    The Center for Disease Control, The President and State Health Organizations, are asking us to stay out of the grocery stores for the next two weeks. Why? The reason we are being asked not to treat grocery shopping as entertainment is that smart people know that we can cap this virus by exposing fewer people to other people. So, where do we typically go when…

  • “Blue Babies” Therapy May Help!

    Using a regulatory pathway that allows patients with life-threatening conditions to use unapproved therapies, the FDA has granted “emergency expanded access” to Bellerophon Therapeutics’ inhaled nitric oxide delivery system for treating the novel coronavirus. Also known as compassionate use, the agency’s policy is typically administered on a per-patient basis—at times when clinical trials are infeasible, the benefits are seen to outweigh the risks, and there…

  • Our New Hand Sanitizer – And A Few Heroes

    Keys has a new interim product and it is a maximum strength hand sanitizer. Our Extra Strength Hand Sanitizer took just 20 minutes to develop and seven days to manufacture, market, and start delivering. Seven days total from concept to delivery with lots of heroes to thank along the way.

  • Craft Distillers – Covid Heroes of a Different Kind

    Recognizing Craft Distillers – They May Just Have Saved A Lot of Lives Our new hand sanitizer can be refilled at home. The lead article shows you how to make it. We are a small company and are selling our extra strength sanitizer near cost, but another feel-good story is the distilleries around the world that are stepping up to the cause to make hand…

  • Branch Basics – Truly Natural

    Branch Basics is a company that is on purpose and walks their talk. They have developed a natural concentrated cleaner that reduces biomass without harming the microbiome of your home or your family. To be clean without harming the good bacteria we live with is of paramount importance to me. It would also seem that it is crucial to Branch Basics.

  • Chemical-Free Skin Health® by Bob Root. Get Your Free Copy Today

    When You Know Better, You Do Better Chemical-Free Skin Health® is a powerful book written about destructive chemicals in everyday skincare and cosmetics. Maria Shriver invited Bob to launch his book at the last California Women’s Conference she hosted. It is a must-read, and now you can download it for free Here for a limited time.  A $19.95 Value What It’s About Chemical-Free Skin Health®…

  • Keys® Story – About You and Us

    I have never told my story. Most of everything we have written is about Wendy's fight with Cancer and stupidity in the skincare market intermixed with how I created our products. So, since it is 15 years in business this year, I just felt like writing down my perspective of who we are. In 1994, I met the woman of my dreams. In 1997, I…

  • Keys Vanity Pro Makeup Artist Team Application

    Keys Vanity Pro Makeup Artist Team Keys Vanity Pro Team entitles the professional makeup artist to unique benefits, including product discounts and exclusive access to tips and techniques. …and the most exciting is a free membership in our Beta testing team where you will see new products and be able to test them before they are in production. What You Get? If you qualify for…

  • The American Organic Hustle – Understanding The Misunderstood

    A customer contacted Keys Customer Service with three fundamental questions. The questions are mostly about being organic and safety as well as functionality. I have the answers, and they might not be what you think. They Asked: I am thinking of getting Keys MetaClean Healing Soap & Shampoo, it says there is >85% organic content, what is the rest that is not organic in this…

  • SmallFlower Interviews Bob Root, Keys Scientist & Founder About Probiome

    SmallFlower Interviews Bob Root About Probiome. Keys Natural Skincare & Beauty was born after co-founder Wendy Steele was diagnosed with and beat melanoma. The cancer was gone, but she was still dealing with some nasty side effects on her skin – itchy, irritated patches that were just made worse by sticky sunscreens. Read this interview here.

  • FDA Bans Triclosan – EPA, Your Turn

    In my book Chemical-Free Skin Health published in 2010, I pointed out the health risks of Triclosan including cancer, hormone disruption. Now it is time to look at the vast amount of other products that us Triclosan. EPA, your next!

  • History Made – Exoskelaton’s and the Technology of People®

    A motorized exoskeleton, designed to help paralyzed people walk again, just earned U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval. It is the first such device to do so...From Bob Root: This article has nothing to do with Keys or our products. I am a scientist first and when I see something that revolutionizes the world, I have to say something.

  • Polluted Pets – What we are doing to our pets!

    I am raising a red flag when it comes to our pets and the environment. In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health® I pointed out that about 50 years ago just about everything we put on our skin or came in contact with was naturally derived. Now nearly 95% is synthetic.

  • iWellness? – An Open Letter to Tim Cook, Apple CEO

    The rumors are pretty strong that Apple will introduce Healthkit technology in it next IOS 8 operating system for iPhones and iPad’s..and maybe iWatch this October. iWellness or iHealth – There is a difference. Can Apple change healthcare forever? Yes! Will they? by Bob Root, Keys Founder and Technologist. Check it out http://www.cleangreencafe.com/CGC/?p=2814

  • Sunscreen Tips from the EWG

    We have posted tips from the EWG regarding sunscreens. Keys Solar Rx was ranked as a top product in the 2014 sunscreen report under the moisturizers with SPF category. Keys received one of the highest ratings for safety and efficacy.

  • FDA Taking Closer Look at ‘Antibacterial’ Soap

    "New data suggest that the risks associated with long-term, daily use of antibacterial soaps may outweigh the benefits," Rogers says. There are indications that certain ingredients in these soaps may contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and may have unanticipated hormonal effects that are of concern to FDA.

  • Time To Get Wise – Dear 16 Year Old Me!

    Wendy Steele, Keys CEO is a Melanoma Skin Cancer survivor. May is Melanoma Month and Wendy has written an article expressing here concern that May is also prom month. That little white dress does not need a tan to set it off! So, it is time to get wise. If the article is not convincing enough, the video just might be!

  • Skin ‘Sees’ UV Light, Starts Producing Pigment

    In a new study, biologists report that melanocyte skin cells detect ultraviolet light using a photosensitive receptor previously thought to exist only in the eye. This eye-like ability of skin to sense light triggers the production of melanin within hours, more quickly than previously thought, in an apparent rush to protect against damage to DNA.

  • Safe Cosmetics Bestows Champion Status On Keys Care

    Market Shift: Keys Care Receives “Champion” Status – Fulfills Safe Products Pledge Consumer demand for safer products drives fastest-growing market segment The  Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced today that Keys has achieved the highest recognition earning “Champion” status by meeting the goals of the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, the Campaign’s voluntary pledge to avoid chemicals banned by health agencies outside the U.S. and to fully…

  • The News Is Not All Bad!

    I must admit that I have been CNN Free for nearly tens years. Really!  I find myself working at looking at the world through positive lenses.  I have found that watching things out of my control affects my overall health.  This is not an “ignorance is bliss” approach to living as much as it is a focus on what I can effect, affect and control.…

  • What Some Sunscreens Are Hiding…(Republished)

    It is summer and it is sunscreen season.  Below is an article I recently wrote about the new welcomed changes from the FDA that will force manufacturers to reveal what is in their sunscreens.  Please read it and the links to the FDA.  This change has go a long way to help save lives through UVA and UVB dangers awareness.  Also, since this new regulation,…

  • New FDA Sunscreen Regulations

    by Bob Root It has been about three years of communication with the FDA before the new sunscreen regulations came out June 11, 2011.  The FDA requested input from many companies and organizations.  Keys and other presented facts, opinion and wishes.  For some the time and the angle of the new direction have been touted as too little and too late.  I for one am happy with…

  • Understanding UVA & UVB

    By Bob Root It is a constant quest to understand and then explain the effects of UVA and UVB on our skin and our lives.  Our involvement with the Skin Cancer Foundation, Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Scripps and various universities expose me to all sorts of information.  I am always searching for the simplest and best explanations to help people understand UV radiation.  Clearly I…

  • Bob Root Begins Book Tour! Asks! Are We Killing Our Skin’s Ecosystem?

    Chemical-Free Skin Health is the book written by Bob Root that is a compilation of all his experiences being on the road with Keys customers.  The book answers the most commonly asked questions as well as proposing some radical ideas about skin health.   Bob features information about the Human Microbiome Project and the National Institutes of health that is a spin-off of the human…

  • UltraHealth…What A Concept! A Real BHAG!

    UltraHealth…What A Concept!  A Real BHAG! by Bob Root, Keys technologists & founder In tech, we had a phrase that we used to differentiate really big projects.  BHAG stands for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.  When I helped to start Keys, we had some big hairy goals.  Universal Wellness was perhaps the biggest. Remember, I am from high tech engineering, a practicing quantum physicist and…

  • Triclosan Ban Could Be On The Way

    Bob Root in his new book Chemical-Free Skin Health outlined many of his concerns over the widespread use of Triclosan in foods, products and skin care.  The article below was dated today in the Natural Products Manufacturers newsletter. From Natural Foods Merchandiser The Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether to ban the antibacterial chemical triclosan in consumer products, in response to a petition submitted by 82 environmental…

  • Fragrance – Keys Reports

    In an effort to bring relevant information to you, we occasionally find interesting reports.  This one tags onto the EWG Fragrance Report and includes concerns we have had for a long time regarding unlisted chemicals in fragrance found in household products. This is a FYI for you! ____________________________________________________________ Scented Consumer Products Shown to Emit Many Unlisted Chemicals

  • Keys Featured at the 2010 California Women’s Conference

    New book, “Chemical-Free Skin Health” premiered at the California Women’s Conference. Keys creates ECO Island. Keys product chosen by Maria Shriver for second year in a row for speakers’ gift bag. Long Beach California, October 25, 2010, California Women’s Conference. “Chemical-Free Skin Health” is a new book written by Keys founder and Chief Technology Officer, Bob Root.  The book is the first  written by a…

  • On The Press! New Book by Keys Founder – Bob Root

    Chemical-Free Skin Health! Bob announced the beginning of a book focused on skin health over two years ago at the Natural Products Expo West. His book will be published in early October and Bob will officially launch the book at the 2010 California Women’s Conference. Maria Shriver chose Keys Luminos for last years Women’s Conference for the speakers gift bag. This year, she chose Keys…

  • The Story of Cosmetics • Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

    Comments of the personal care industry, by Bob Root, Keys CTO “The world is a changen,” is an old southern phrase.   It generally means that new things continue to appear at a little to fast a pace.   The concept of safe cosmetics does not fit into that phrase.  I believe we are actually returning to the basics and our roots from not a…

  • Triclosan: The Biocide That Creates Super Bugs?

    Triclosan: The Biocide that Creates Super Bugs? By Bob Root, Keys Technologist   Chemical Warfare Chapter 12:  Biocides:  Indiscriminate killers that create super bugs? For almost two years, I have been working on a book draft titled, “Chemical Warfare.”  It is a book focused on simplifying information about personal care and household products uses and concerns for public safety.  As I studied, I realized how…

  • EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report – Sunscreen For Dummies

    Bob Root, Keys CTO It is that time of year again when the various sunscreen reports come out. The Environmental Working Group 2010 Sunscreen Report is out a couple of months early. Once again, Keys Solar Rx receives great marks in the Moisturizer with SPF category. I offer the title above with a great deal of respect for this years EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report.  I…

  • Parabens Good Or Bad Guys

    Both? As a part of my ongoing series of looking at the Dirty Dozen Chemicals shown to provide elevated cancer rates in people and animals, in this article, I outline why we do not use parabens leaving the judgmental diagnosis to the NGO’s attacking them.  The Dirty Dozen Chemicals are a list of 12 developed originally by the Marin County Cancer Project which at the…

  • Wax and Other Things That Threaten Mankind

    Ingredients, Skin Deep Report  and Everything Else… Musing from an interview with Bob Root, Keys Care CTO I recently took up Storm Chasing as a hobby… Just kidding although I feel like one of those guys chasing Tornado’s in the Midwest when it comes to the natural products industry. I was recently on a conference call with various members of the Natural Products Manufacturers Association enraged…

  • EWG Report on Fragrance – Not So Sexy!

    The EWG just released a report on Fragrances. Below is a part of the report and links to read the entire report. What is important to understand is that these same secret ingredients are used in personal care and household products. That familiar brand fragrance of Tide, Dreft and dryer sheets come from fragrance developed in the same process as the cologne’s and perfumes listed…

  • New iPhone Application to Track Cosmetic Ingredients

    A new iPhone application promises to inform the consumer of which products should be avoided using a database of INCI names and the ingredients allotted safety profile. Cosmetifique can be used with both the iPhone and iPod Touch and claims to have a searchable database of over 5,000 ingredients, in INCI format. Results for ingredients searches come back highlighted as either red, orange or green, to…

  • Phthalates Linked To ADHD

    In keeping with our commitment to keep you informed about studies dealing with the Dirty Thirty chemicals, here is a synopsis and link to a recent article regarding phthalates in personal care products.  Please note that we have tracked the use of phthalates in room fresheners, scented candles, dryer sheets, laundry detergents, cologne/perfumes and a high percentage of personal care products.  The consumer simple rule that…

  • Finding your Voice at the California Women’s Conference

    By Wendy Steele, Keys  CEO So what happens when over 20,000 women convene at a special conference in Long Beach CA hosted by The People’s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and California First Lady Maria Shriver?   Well, we are about to find out!  Keys is excited to participate in the CA Women’s Conference events on Monday, October 26, and Tuesday, October 27.  During the event, Keys is exhibiting with one of its LA-based retail…

  • Blogging…Not So Innocent

    Blogging Debunking  –  Federal Style By Bob Root, Keys Technologist And it did not take a Michael Moore Film…. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), protects consumers from fraud or deceptive business practices, voted 4 to 0 to update its rules governing endorsements, and the new guidelines require bloggers and celebrities  to clearly disclose any “material connection” to  and including payments for an endorsement or free…

  • The Dirty Thirty. A Reprised Dirty Dozen… 30 Bad Boy Chemicals!

    At Keys, we have a core philosophy to not use any chemicals in our products that remotely have health concerns, known allergens or irritants.  Like many, we started our business based on a need and we try to minimize negative marketing.  If we were to list all the no’s, it would fill an entire web page.  We chose to use the term chemical-free although it…

  • Keys Chosen By California Women’s Conference

    One of the premier conferences every year for and about women is the California Women’s Conference hosted by Maria Shriver and the Governor of California.  This year, Keys was honored to be invited as one of the sponsors of the conference being asked to have our Luminos be included in the speakers’ gift bags.  Many conferences permit vendors to buy their way into participation.  For…

  • Nano Zinc Oxide… Hundreds of Studies Show It’s Safe! Really!

    By Bob Root,  Keys Technologist One day when I was young, I was reading an issue of Popular Science Magazine with a story about a bold project to put man into space.  I was so excited.  Like many young people, I fantasized about flying in space.  I became an avid follower of early rocket pioneers and awaited the day when the first manned rocket would…

  • Keys Featured in Super Natural Home Book

          Beth Greer had been living what she considered a healthy lifestyle when a medical crisis prompted her to reevaluate everything—from the food she ate to the personal-care products she used and the environment she lived in. Now, in Super Natural Home,

  • FACTS Versus FUD

    By Bob Root, Keys CTO I spend 300 days a year on the road, out and about with our customers, retailers and at industry events. I receive numerous questions every day. The majority are inspiring and educational for me. Almost daily, though, I receive questions that relate to opinions expressed by some people or companies that are not based in fact, and literally scare people.…

  • Bob Root on Super Natural Mom Radio Show

    Bob Root, Keys Founder and Technologist was interviewed by Beth Greer, author of “The Super Natural Home” on her radio show, The Super Natural Mom, yesterday. The broadcast was live and can be heard by click the link below or the download link. (large file, so we do not recommend downloading). There were a number of subjects discussed including the meaning of the word “Natural”…
