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Bob Root on Super Natural Mom Radio Show

BobCNM-blogBob Root, Keys Founder and Technologist was interviewed by Beth Greer, author of “The Super Natural Home” on her radio show, The Super Natural Mom, yesterday. The broadcast was live and can be heard by click the link below or the download link. (large file, so we do not recommend downloading). There were a number of subjects discussed including the meaning of the word “Natural” and “Organic” in the safe cosmetics market as well as misuse in the traditional over-the-counter skincare market. Also discussed are some of the chemicals commonly used by skin care companies and the potential health hazards.

The Super Natural Mom-07/01/09  

Played: 0 | Download | Duration: 00:58:00

Safe Cosmetics – The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry

w/ Stacy Malkan and Bob Root


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