• Unveiling Keys® Holistic Health Lineup for Dogs

    Unveiling KODA’s Holistic Health Lineup for Dogs: ProBiome, ProCalm, LifeTrace, and OmegaLife In the realm of canine health, a new suite of products is making waves with their promise of natural, holistic well-being for our four-legged companions. KODA, a brand dedicated to pet health, has introduced a lineup of supplements designed to address various aspects of a dog’s life, from digestion and calmness to overall…

  • Embracing Our Role: We Stand as the Devoted Guardians of Our Dogs’ Health and Happiness

    Unlocking the Secret to Our Dogs Vitality: The Essential Role of Natural Skincare and Supplements The significance of natural skincare and supplements for dogs cannot be overstated in the quest to ensure our canine companions lead the longest, happiest, and healthiest lives possible. As dog parents and devoted guardians, we increasingly seek ways to enhance our dogs’ well-being, and the spotlight has turned toward holistic…

  • Out with the Old Bar: The Superior Suds of Liquid Soaps for Modern Cleanliness

    Embrace Radiant Skin: Discover the Gentle Power of Liquid Soaps for Ultimate Cleanliness and Skin Health Over the years, we have been asked why we make only liquid soaps. Bar soap is widespread, and natural bar soap is impossible to make with the essential oil combinations that we insist on using. Ironically, it is the same reason we cannot make lip balms. The formulations will…

  • Features, Benefits and Advantages of Castile Soap.

    Castile soap is a type of soap like Keys® Island Rx, Island Rx Foaming Wash, Windsurfer, and MetaClean originated from the Castile region of Spain. It is traditionally made from olive oil and is known for its mildness and versatility. The higher alkalinity of Castile soap have benefits for the skin and face, but it’s essential to use it properly and cautiously. Most Castile soaps…

  • Buddy and Annie’s Story – A Dedication To Our Best Friends

    Why We Love Our Dogs We must take care of them as much as they take care of us. We celebrate this time of year as a symbol of spring and the joy our dog and this season bring. We focus on our dogs. A Short Story About Annie & Buddy.  Dedicated To All The Keys® Dogs. Once upon a time, in a quiet suburban…

  • Keys® Product Formulations – A Formulators Perspective

    I receive a lot of very interesting questions every month that are escalated to me by our customer service. A question often enrobed in suggestions is in regard to Vitamins and the benefits of ingredients in our products. I am pleased and amazed at the complexity of the questions from our customers and the suggestions I receive. First, please remember that my team are engineers…

  • Phthalates – Diabetes + Hair Loss

    So what are Phthalates?  The Everywhere Chemical Phthalates are perhaps the nastiest chemicals found in personal care products. The FDA banned them for food, but not personal care. Perhaps the FDA has forgotten that skin absorption is the same as ingesting chemical In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health®, I spent much time explaining Phthalates. Here is a quick summary What are phthalates?  Phthalates are a…

  • Nextra® NeoRetinol – Exceeding Expectations

    Nextra® NeoRetinol Discovery – Better Than Retinol “I am in my 60’s and have been using Retinol for decades. By far, it is the best skincare product ever invented. I have purchased Retinol in tiny tubes for over $300 each for years, and it has been worth it until Nextra® NeoRetinol. When Bob Root researched and invented NeoRetinol, I was skeptical; how was it possible…

  • Island Rx For Hair Growth

    Island Rx Liquid Soap/Shampoo has been a Key® staple product for nearly twenty-four years. It was the product that Pfizer scientists applauded for its efficacy and clean-green design. It was one of our first four products and was the first developed for Wendy’s fight with Melanoma. Over the years Island Rx has been around, we discovered some interesting properties of Island Rx liquid soap that…

  • Keys® VaporJel & Eye Butter for Chapped Lips

    Why Invent Something New When It Already Exists Over the years, we have received hundreds of requests for lip balm for chapped and cracked lips. I have resisted because we already have two great products that do the job better than any waxy lip balm I could design. Keys® Eye Butter and VaporJel are those two solutions. They both work wonderfully in two distinct ways.…

  • Grace and Frankie Netflix and Keys

    Over the months of the last season for Grace and Frankie, we have had numerous inquiries asking if the Eye Butter referred to in Season 7 of Grace and Frankie is Keys® Eye Butter. First, for the non-followers of the show, Grace and Frankie is an American comedy television series aired by Netflix. The series stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as the eponymous Grace…

  • Inflation? Recession? – Time To Buy Quality

    Inflation or Recession or Both? I recently listened in on a financial advisory call from our bank Wells Fargo.  It was equally interesting and confusing.  I came away from the call with some very specific thoughts that I want to share from a Keys® perspective. Depending on who you talk to, we are experiencing unwarranted inflation with recession hiding in plain sight.  So, naturally these…

  • Breanne

    Breanne’s – Keys Video Reveals Her Regimen

    Hi All, Well, Bre is at it already telling her fans about her love affair with Keys.  This YouTube video is about her favorite Keys regimen. I already knew that Bre is a huge Tortuga fan.  In her video, she reveals that she uses it as a facial moisturizer.   True!   We have always let people know that Tortuga is an everywhere lotion.  Many…

  • A New Face At Keys®

    Breanne Parhiala is an American actress best known for her work on Netflix’s television series Frontier and Warner Brother’s blockbuster hit Rampage. Recently she has starred in romantic comedies including My Best Friend’s Christmas which is successfully airing across multiple platforms including Showtime and Hulu. Breanne is an advocate within the health and wellness space and also works closely with the American Red Cross. Actress Breanne…

  • Nextra Laugh-In 🤣

    Nextra Laugh - Amy is a very famous entertainer who works in Las Vegas and the Comedy Store scene in LA. Her whit is disarming and rarely serious - actually never. So you can imagine when I received an email that sounded very concerned. It turns out it was a new side of her comedy that I was not used to.

  • Social Media Stealing Your Privacy?

    For over fifteen years, Keys has strived to develop products that solve skin problems and make people feel good using natural ingredients and remedies. For the last five years, we have battled fake news by fake people playing the 'natural car' when they are far from it. Their tool has been social media, and their game is false claims. I see it every day, and…

  • BUH BYE Facebook

    Keys® Joins Companies in Closing Their Facebook Account & Business Pages The following is a direct quote and open letter from Keys® CEO, Wendy Steele.   "I made one of the easiest business decisions of my career. I closed our Facebook account."

  • Breakthrough Routine to Revive Winter Skin

    Winter is tough on our faces. Dryness, rapid changing temperatures, and chapping happen. There is a regimen that I use to fight off the effects of winter skin. So, herein I will share what I learned and what I use. Read on to learn more. Do better when you known better.

  • Greenwashing and Vaporware – Naturally (OpED)

    The natural skin products industry has never been regulated since the invention of the snake oil salesperson. The industry operates under the 'GRAS' banner, which means "Generally Accepted As Safe." Simply, this means that there is a lot of good in the industry and some bad.

  • “Best Of” Are Fake News

    Those full page "articles" in magazines and eZines showing products strewn about with the headline Best Of xxx.  Many say "editors choice or editors pick."  The one thing they all have in common is they are fake purchased advertising. They are not editor picks, they are bought positioning.

  • 2021 – A Year Of Innovation

    First, thank you for supporting us in 2020. As people worldwide experience the same things simultaneously, a return to the basics in life propelled Keys to a banner year. As hard to believe as it may sound, 2020 had some positives. We believe that change is inevitable, and growth is optional. We chose to surf the waves rather than fighting them. Probably a good practice…

  • Are We Aging Faster?

    7 Reasons People Are Aging Faster by Bob Root – the Author of Chemical-Free Skin Health & Keto Plus I was recently asked in an interview if people are visibly aging faster or slower than ten years ago. The answer is both yes and no. Kudos to some big companies that followed the wallets of knowledgeable consumers. Ten years ago, there was a handful of…

  • It’s Complicated! Where Reality Meets Expectations

    We get lots of questions every day from our customers. There are enough about shipping and packaging and the ordering process that warrants some time to go through the process of an order. Our online store was designed after the famous Amazon online store. We now feel we exceed Amazon in many facets because we continue to simplify the software and processes. This makes it…

  • Keys Origins and Pedigree. Thanks for your support and loyalty

    Dear Keys Patrons 2001 was a historical year around the world. Keys parent corporation, Orion, was in the mode of expansion from our Washington DC-based operations to Amsterdam. 9.11.01 Terrorist Attacks dashed that plan, but what bloomed out of that was a much stronger relationship with our US clients like Pfizer, Qualcomm, and the motion picture industry. 2001 was the origin of Keys products in…

  • A Ray of Hope in Seattle for the Homeless & Elderly – Chef Traci.

    Our dear friend Chef Traci Calderon reached out to me personally to help her maintain meals for the elderly and homeless in Seattle.  I donated, but thought that I would share her plea for help.  Seattle has always been good to Keys and we wanted to share her quest with you.  By way of background, Traci has been my friend for over 20 years.  She…

  • Smizing – Smiling with Your Eyes is the Cure IMS

    So the topic of this article is a kind of RBF story or to be more specific, IMS. Irritable Mask Syndrome is genuine and seems to be caused by various things. Some have told me that masks are an invasion of identity or uncomfortable. One said having to wear one is unconstitutional. Some feel self-conscious while others seem to like that they can hide behind…

  • Lights! Camera! Action! – Megan and the Teleconference Crisis

    "Urgent"- Respond Immediately! She is an executive with a mega-company, and I worried that something was very wrong. So, I popped open the email and began to laugh out loud. Here was the first line. "Bob, holy shit, I need your help now. I am working from home and have to teleconference every day next week, and I look like shit on camera." "What should…

  • Dr. Google is Up to Something Pretty Cool

    After all this, there will be no industries untouched in some way or another. Perhaps the most impacted will be the medical industry. We have talked about Dr. Google for many years now and marvel at how over 95% of us consult Google first before going to the doctor. Contrary to some, people consult Google first because it is fast, efficient, and free. Now Google…

  • Our New Hand Sanitizer – And A Few Heroes

    Keys has a new interim product and it is a maximum strength hand sanitizer. Our Extra Strength Hand Sanitizer took just 20 minutes to develop and seven days to manufacture, market, and start delivering. Seven days total from concept to delivery with lots of heroes to thank along the way.

  • Bre Video Protect Your Skin – Solar Rx

    Bre’s Short Film Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage For nearly 20 years, I have written hundreds of thousands of words, created cards of what to do and wear, and have been an advocate of sunscreen every day.  All said Bre in her creative wave translated that message into a thousand languages with this short video.  Just look at her Keys skin and you have…

  • Branch Basics – Truly Natural

    Branch Basics is a company that is on purpose and walks their talk. They have developed a natural concentrated cleaner that reduces biomass without harming the microbiome of your home or your family. To be clean without harming the good bacteria we live with is of paramount importance to me. It would also seem that it is crucial to Branch Basics.

  • DIY Hand Sanitizers – That Really Work

    Time for Hand Sanitizers. It is important to be effective and know what you are putting on your hands.   There are a number of natural commercially available products that work.  Right now, they are hard to find in the stores.  So, it is time to make your own.  It is simple and done right, just as effective as the store-bought sanitizing products. DIY Sanitizers…

  • Merz Apothecary, Chicago – Keys Partner for 12 Years

    Merz, 145 Years and Going Strong – Honest, Integrity, Innovation There is no doubt that the natural market industry is in turmoil since Amazon bought Whole Foods. With all this change and dynamics, Merz Apothecary in Chicago has not missed a beat. Why, because they lead with their HIPS. Honesty, Integrity, Persistence, and Sincerity. Keys Partners with Merz for 12 Years. Keys is celebrating our…

  • Chemical-Free Skin Health Book, Anniversary Sale -Kindle $4.95

    It is the tenth anniversary of Bob’s book, “Chemical-Free Skin Health.” That does not mean it is ten years old. It has been remastered a number of times to keep it current. Ironically, our collective amnesia will make much of the book new to first-time readers. In 2008, Bob announced the beginning of a book focused on skin health over two years ago at the…
