• Revolutionizing Delivery: Our Commitment to Innovative and Sustainable Shipping Solutions

    Big Changes in Shipping Offering New Options In the face of changing global logistics landscapes and consumer expectations, businesses are constantly seeking ways to adapt and improve their shipping practices. Our commitment to innovative and sustainable shipping solutions encapsulates a forward-thinking approach to these challenges, signaling a shift towards more efficient, reliable, and eco-friendly methods of getting goods to customers. This change suggests a transformative…

  • Future of Natural Skincare

    The Future of Natural Skincare: Innovations to Watch For In 2024 Nowadays, much of the natural products industry seems stalled and very introspective. Keys® has always been an innovator in our engineering culture. Much of the marketing and celebrity hype has quieted down, but the industry, in general, has stopped innovating. A few of us are carrying the torch of innovation and discovery. There are…

  • New Luminos PLUS with Zinc Oxide for Problem Skin

    We are happy and super excited to announce a new product called Luminos PLUS with Zinc Oxide. It is a wide-range anti-aging product because it protects and restores across many fronts. Luminos PLUS Zinc Oxide is another tool in staving off aging caused by our environment. We are still 100% advocates of covering up with UPF clothing, a big UPF hat, UV protective sunglasses, and…

  • Phthalates – Diabetes + Hair Loss

    So what are Phthalates?  The Everywhere Chemical Phthalates are perhaps the nastiest chemicals found in personal care products. The FDA banned them for food, but not personal care. Perhaps the FDA has forgotten that skin absorption is the same as ingesting chemical In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health®, I spent much time explaining Phthalates. Here is a quick summary What are phthalates?  Phthalates are a…

  • Nextra® NeoRetinol – Exceeding Expectations

    Nextra® NeoRetinol Discovery – Better Than Retinol “I am in my 60’s and have been using Retinol for decades. By far, it is the best skincare product ever invented. I have purchased Retinol in tiny tubes for over $300 each for years, and it has been worth it until Nextra® NeoRetinol. When Bob Root researched and invented NeoRetinol, I was skeptical; how was it possible…

  • Grace and Frankie Netflix and Keys

    Over the months of the last season for Grace and Frankie, we have had numerous inquiries asking if the Eye Butter referred to in Season 7 of Grace and Frankie is Keys® Eye Butter. First, for the non-followers of the show, Grace and Frankie is an American comedy television series aired by Netflix. The series stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as the eponymous Grace…

  • Psoriasis Decoded

    Psoriasis Has A Community NIAMS is a research community of the US National Institutes of Health. The NIH is one of the most elite US government institutions dedicated to human health research. It honors both pharmaceutical and natural solutions to disease. The mission of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases is to support research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of…

  • Keys Made in America

    Are Keys Products Made in America? YES! A few years back, a disabled American soldier wrote the book “Buy American.” Alex Nelson said it was our duty to buy American to preserve our manufacturing place in the world. Today more than ever it is even more prescient and meaningful to buy American because all those toys, electronics, and skincare made in China are just not…

  • Remembering Steve Jobs 🍎

    You might ask yourself, what does Steve Jobs have to do with Keys. It is a fair question. The answer is a lot! It is important to us to remember the anniversary of his death ten years ago October 5. Bob Root, Keys Scientist, was heavily involved with the launch of the Macintosh computer both at Apple and through Chiat Day. Bob credits Steve with…

  • Alternative Skin Health for Me

    Alternative Skin: My Annual Plea The meaning of alternative skin health for me is me taking responsibility for my skin health. Being responsible for me as the manager of me. Yes, I consult with doctors and experts, but I am ultimately responsible for my well-being and my skin health.  So are you. Keys’ quest for skin health began in 1996 when I was diagnosed and…

  • Special Important Notice – China

    China Severe Shipping Bottleneck- Critical Message, August 30, 2021 Dear Customers and Retailers, As you probably have read the headlines, there is a severe supply situation worldwide resulting from Covid. It is becoming extremely tough to get products and materials out of China. It is the proverbial Catch-22!  Keys have no immunity to this situation because some containers we use are made in China. As…

  • Autoimmune Skin Disorders – The 80/20 Rule

    In life, there seem to be consistent numbers that play out. One set is commonly called the 80/20 Rule. In tech, it meant that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. In the science of skin, it seems that 80% of autoimmune skin disorders are caused by just one thing. Recently some science has confirmed that trend. A recent study I have read…

  • Social Media Stealing Your Privacy?

    For over fifteen years, Keys has strived to develop products that solve skin problems and make people feel good using natural ingredients and remedies. For the last five years, we have battled fake news by fake people playing the 'natural car' when they are far from it. Their tool has been social media, and their game is false claims. I see it every day, and…

  • Alert – FDA Blocks Sanitizer Imports As Toxic

    You should be on alert that the FDA has halted import of all alcohol-based sanitizers made in Mexico. Many US off-brand sanitizers use Mexican sanitizer. Many are sold in bulk to grocery and retail stores for customer use at the front door. FDA found 87% to contain toxic ingredients and wood alcohol even though they claim to be Ethanol.

  • A Ray of Hope in Seattle for the Homeless & Elderly – Chef Traci.

    Our dear friend Chef Traci Calderon reached out to me personally to help her maintain meals for the elderly and homeless in Seattle.  I donated, but thought that I would share her plea for help.  Seattle has always been good to Keys and we wanted to share her quest with you.  By way of background, Traci has been my friend for over 20 years.  She…

  • Give Blood – The Benefits are Yours & Theirs

    Our business is your skin health.  A big part is your general health and periodically, we see or hear things that need repeating.  In this time of C-19, the need for blood donations is at an all-time critical level.  So we offer the following as a rational of how you benefit health-wise and spiritually by giving blood.  Please consider donating today for your benefit and…

  • Grocery Shop Smart – Not Often!

    The Center for Disease Control, The President and State Health Organizations, are asking us to stay out of the grocery stores for the next two weeks. Why? The reason we are being asked not to treat grocery shopping as entertainment is that smart people know that we can cap this virus by exposing fewer people to other people. So, where do we typically go when…

  • “Blue Babies” Therapy May Help!

    Using a regulatory pathway that allows patients with life-threatening conditions to use unapproved therapies, the FDA has granted “emergency expanded access” to Bellerophon Therapeutics’ inhaled nitric oxide delivery system for treating the novel coronavirus. Also known as compassionate use, the agency’s policy is typically administered on a per-patient basis—at times when clinical trials are infeasible, the benefits are seen to outweigh the risks, and there…

  • Get The Facts – Please – PubMed!

    Get The Facts! - Please! Living with an engineer scientist, the common phrase I hear is, "Where Are Your Facts?"  When it comes to your health, Dr. Google is an excellent resource as long as individuals do not have an intention for themselves. So, where do we go for HealthLine facts so we can make good decisions? You are responsible for your personal and family…

  • Our New Hand Sanitizer – And A Few Heroes

    Keys has a new interim product and it is a maximum strength hand sanitizer. Our Extra Strength Hand Sanitizer took just 20 minutes to develop and seven days to manufacture, market, and start delivering. Seven days total from concept to delivery with lots of heroes to thank along the way.

  • Craft Distillers – Covid Heroes of a Different Kind

    Recognizing Craft Distillers – They May Just Have Saved A Lot of Lives Our new hand sanitizer can be refilled at home. The lead article shows you how to make it. We are a small company and are selling our extra strength sanitizer near cost, but another feel-good story is the distilleries around the world that are stepping up to the cause to make hand…

  • Debunking Hand Sanitizers

    Hand Sanitizers, The Right Way, and the Wrong Way. Where to begin? My article, “Just Wash Hands,” has brought a lot of comments. Lots of thank you’s, a few questions and some opinion. Cool, that is what is supposed to happen. Most comments address a short paragraph I wrote about “Hand Sanitizers.” There is a wrong way and a right way. Most of us do it the…

  • Keys Vanity Pro Makeup Artist Team Application

    Keys Vanity Pro Makeup Artist Team Keys Vanity Pro Team entitles the professional makeup artist to unique benefits, including product discounts and exclusive access to tips and techniques. …and the most exciting is a free membership in our Beta testing team where you will see new products and be able to test them before they are in production. What You Get? If you qualify for…

  • The American Organic Hustle – Understanding The Misunderstood

    A customer contacted Keys Customer Service with three fundamental questions. The questions are mostly about being organic and safety as well as functionality. I have the answers, and they might not be what you think. They Asked: I am thinking of getting Keys MetaClean Healing Soap & Shampoo, it says there is >85% organic content, what is the rest that is not organic in this…

  • Keys New Super Store Now Open

    Keys has a New Super Store. Visit www.KeysPure.com and register. Why? We realize last year that there was a significant demographic shift happening. Last year 85% of our customers purchased our website from a desktop or laptop computer. Over the last year, that number has flipped to 80+% of our customers purchase Keys products using a smartphone or tablet computer. What that meant to us…

  • InfoGram™ – New Keys ‘Quick-Reads’ Mini-Blog

    In keeping with the times, we created a new area of Clean Green Cafe blog for quick informational bites. Infograms™ are focused on helping you understand our product applications. Infograms will offer tips and tricks as well as educational information. We will bring you industry news and our perspective on various important subjects. Clean Green Cafe will continue to have in-depth content while Infograms will…

  • FDA Bans Triclosan – EPA, Your Turn

    In my book Chemical-Free Skin Health published in 2010, I pointed out the health risks of Triclosan including cancer, hormone disruption. Now it is time to look at the vast amount of other products that us Triclosan. EPA, your next!

  • Super Lice – RediCare Works!

    There are reports all over the US of a resistant strain of super lice that are not controlled by convention lice treatments. I have been aware of this for a couple of years, but without someone raising the warning flag, my words have fallen short. Our customers have reported that our RediCare is not only highly effective at repelling initial lice infestation, but also kills…

  • Safe Cosmetics Campaign & Keys – Red Lists

    Safe Cosmetics has recently done a great job of updating their website and social media efforts. What we are especially pleased with is that they have come up with a great visual reference of what chemicals to avoid based on product function.

  • Polluted Pets – What are we doing?

    I am raising a red flag when it comes to our pets and the environment.  In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health® I pointed out that about 50 years ago just about everything we put on our skin or came in contact with was naturally derived.  Now nearly 95% is synthetic.  There are now tens of thousands of chemicals that are in use that have never…

  • Parabens – Just another Dirty Dozen Chemical?

    Parabens…Good Guys or Bad Guys? As a part of my ongoing series of looking at the Dirty Dozen Chemicals shown to provide elevated cancer rates in people and animals, in this article, I outline why we do not use parabens leaving the judgmental diagnosis to the NGO’s attacking them.  The Dirty Dozen Chemicals are a list of 12 developed originally by the Marin County Cancer…
