• The Philosophical Renaissance of Magical Natural Skincare

    Discover the Healing Touch of Nature with Magical Natural Skincare That Transforms and Uplifts. by Wendy Steele In the tapestry of human existence, the skin acts as both a boundary and a bridge—shielding our inner sanctum while communicating our health, emotions, and even our soul’s history to the outside world. It is in this delicate interplay of protection and expression that magical natural skincare finds…

  • Embracing Nature’s Embrace is Magical

    Embracing Nature’s Embrace: The Dawn of a New Era in Skin Remedies is MAGIC by Wendy Steele Over the past twenty years, we have received many comments from customers. Some make us laugh, and most make us cry. A young couple requested that we print a warning on our label to tell people not to shower together using Island Rx and Windsurfer soap. She loves…

  • Your Silent Guardian

    The Silent Guardian: Unveiling the Epic Saga of Our Skin and the Crusade to Shield Its Majesty by Wendy Steele I am reminded on the anniversary of my own Melanoma that our skin will protect us only if we protect it. In the grand tapestry of the human body, where each organ plays its pivotal role, there lies a silent guardian, vast and vigilant. This…

  • Revolutionizing Delivery: Our Commitment to Innovative and Sustainable Shipping Solutions

    Big Changes in Shipping Offering New Options In the face of changing global logistics landscapes and consumer expectations, businesses are constantly seeking ways to adapt and improve their shipping practices. Our commitment to innovative and sustainable shipping solutions encapsulates a forward-thinking approach to these challenges, signaling a shift towards more efficient, reliable, and eco-friendly methods of getting goods to customers. This change suggests a transformative…

  • Unveiling Keys® Identity: Understanding Who We Are as a Company

    Are You Curious Who We Are? Understanding a brand’s values is crucial for consumers as it helps them make informed purchasing decisions that align with their personal beliefs and preferences. Here’s why it’s important for consumers to know what a brand stands for: Aligning with Personal Values. Consumers increasingly seek products and brands that reflect their own values and beliefs. According to an IBM study,…

  • Where to Buy Keys® in SoCal

    Shop for Keys® at Natural Markets in Southern California Southern California is known for its health-conscious lifestyle, and shopping for natural products at natural markets is an essential part of this culture. Here are some reasons why you should consider shopping for natural products exclusively at natural markets in Southern California: Quality and Variety: Natural markets in Southern California: Wide Variety: They offer a wide range…

  • Keys Now Featured on YouTube and Apple Podcasts

    Friends of ours at our parent company, Orion, remind us that communicating meaning is a very precise thing.  As humans, we communicate meaning best when we are fully present together.  They tell us that 7% of meaning is communicated with words, 38% tone of voice and 55% body language.  This is why we have formalized our video and podcast communication paths.   We will strive…

  • Keys New YouTube Channel

    First Look Keys is happy to announce a new up-to-date YouTube Channel. Over the years, we have broadcast videos on a periodic as-needed basis. Now we have a dedicated channel that will bring relevant content in a consistent format. Videos will range from product documentaries to open issues about skincare and chapter reviews from Bob’s book, “Chemical-Free Skin Health®. The nice thing about YouTube is…

  • Solar Rx – Sold Out & Discontinued

    From Wendy Steele, Keys CEO, and Melanoma Survivor: September 12, 2022 Due to President Biden’s CARES Act legislation, I have decided to discontinue Solar Rx Moisturizer with Sunscreen and KPRO Tinted Moisturizer with Sunscreen. President Biden COVID-19 and Sunscreen What does sunscreen have to do with COVID-19? It is a mystery. President Biden’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted, and buried…

  • Grace and Frankie Netflix and Keys

    Over the months of the last season for Grace and Frankie, we have had numerous inquiries asking if the Eye Butter referred to in Season 7 of Grace and Frankie is Keys® Eye Butter. First, for the non-followers of the show, Grace and Frankie is an American comedy television series aired by Netflix. The series stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as the eponymous Grace…

  • Inflation? Recession? – Time To Buy Quality

    Inflation or Recession or Both? I recently listened in on a financial advisory call from our bank Wells Fargo.  It was equally interesting and confusing.  I came away from the call with some very specific thoughts that I want to share from a Keys® perspective. Depending on who you talk to, we are experiencing unwarranted inflation with recession hiding in plain sight.  So, naturally these…

  • Keys Made in America

    Are Keys Products Made in America? YES! A few years back, a disabled American soldier wrote the book “Buy American.” Alex Nelson said it was our duty to buy American to preserve our manufacturing place in the world. Today more than ever it is even more prescient and meaningful to buy American because all those toys, electronics, and skincare made in China are just not…

  • Remembering Steve Jobs 🍎

    You might ask yourself, what does Steve Jobs have to do with Keys. It is a fair question. The answer is a lot! It is important to us to remember the anniversary of his death ten years ago October 5. Bob Root, Keys Scientist, was heavily involved with the launch of the Macintosh computer both at Apple and through Chiat Day. Bob credits Steve with…

  • Alternative Skin Health for Me

    Alternative Skin: My Annual Plea The meaning of alternative skin health for me is me taking responsibility for my skin health. Being responsible for me as the manager of me. Yes, I consult with doctors and experts, but I am ultimately responsible for my well-being and my skin health.  So are you. Keys’ quest for skin health began in 1996 when I was diagnosed and…

  • The Quest for the Fountain of Youth. Tamanu Oil?

    Skin Health & Anti-Aging   When we started Keys, it was for my sweetie’s battle against Melanoma. As the story goes, her surgery was successful, but her battle against the prescription skincare seemed futile. I had to find ingredients in the natural world to help her skin recover and flourish in a hostile environment. Besides finding ingredients and combining them into products that work for…

  • Record Sales For Nextra NeoRetinol & We Are Super Excited

    Nextra is a Retinol like overnight star and we are so so excited We are as ecstatic as a group can be.  Our geeks, scientists, aboriginal healers and rocket scientists pulled off a big one with Nextra NeoRetinol.  Like Retinol and none of the side effects, Nextra is a hit.  We introduced Keys Nextra NeoRetinol less than a month ago, and it is our fastest-growing…

  • Social Media Stealing Your Privacy?

    For over fifteen years, Keys has strived to develop products that solve skin problems and make people feel good using natural ingredients and remedies. For the last five years, we have battled fake news by fake people playing the 'natural car' when they are far from it. Their tool has been social media, and their game is false claims. I see it every day, and…

  • Smizing – Smiling with Your Eyes is the Cure IMS

    So the topic of this article is a kind of RBF story or to be more specific, IMS. Irritable Mask Syndrome is genuine and seems to be caused by various things. Some have told me that masks are an invasion of identity or uncomfortable. One said having to wear one is unconstitutional. Some feel self-conscious while others seem to like that they can hide behind…

  • Jams World Making N95 Masks and They’re Cool.

    N95 Mask with Attitude – Mahalo I only collect one thing. They are Jams World Vintage Hawaiian shirts. Can you imagine my surprise when I got an email saying they were making and selling a mask to ward off viruses? Before you jump to confusions, these masks are the real deal and look very cool. Let me explain! Tight Weave and Carbon Fiber Much of…

  • Good News Spreads Fast Too. Something To Smile About

    Bob was working on our customer service line to help out. He fielded this comment from a customer's online order for our Hand Sanitizer.  This note touched us all but paled in comparison to the exchange Bob & Laura had after her initial order note and Bob's followup.

  • Get The Facts – Please – PubMed!

    Get The Facts! - Please! Living with an engineer scientist, the common phrase I hear is, "Where Are Your Facts?"  When it comes to your health, Dr. Google is an excellent resource as long as individuals do not have an intention for themselves. So, where do we go for HealthLine facts so we can make good decisions? You are responsible for your personal and family…

  • Keys New Super Store Now Open

    Keys has a New Super Store. Visit www.KeysPure.com and register. Why? We realize last year that there was a significant demographic shift happening. Last year 85% of our customers purchased our website from a desktop or laptop computer. Over the last year, that number has flipped to 80+% of our customers purchase Keys products using a smartphone or tablet computer. What that meant to us…

  • Keys, Thievery Corporation and CafeCody.com – An Unlikely Group.

    Some Keys History Keys, Thievery Corporation and Cafe Cody - The Beginning Every company has many stories of how it started and defining moments that changed the course of its history.  For us, Thievery Corporation and Cafe Cody were defining moments. Every entrepreneur has good days, average days and some really bad experiences that teach, scar and modify you.  Creating defining moments mark course changes…

  • SmallFlower Interviews Bob Root, Keys Scientist & Founder About Probiome

    SmallFlower Interviews Bob Root About Probiome. Keys Natural Skincare & Beauty was born after co-founder Wendy Steele was diagnosed with and beat melanoma. The cancer was gone, but she was still dealing with some nasty side effects on her skin – itchy, irritated patches that were just made worse by sticky sunscreens. Read this interview here.

  • Polluted Pets – What are we doing?

    I am raising a red flag when it comes to our pets and the environment.  In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health® I pointed out that about 50 years ago just about everything we put on our skin or came in contact with was naturally derived.  Now nearly 95% is synthetic.  There are now tens of thousands of chemicals that are in use that have never…

  • Koda Story

    KODA is the dog therapy product line established by Keys.  Products include chemical-free natural supplements and topical therapies for dogs.  We use ancient remedies and modern technology to make natural products that makes dogs feel good and solve both internal and skin problems.  We use pharmaceutical grade ingredients in therapeutic proportions to solve problems that account for the top 10 reasons for vet visits.  KODA…
