• Keys® vs Kiehl’s Eye Cream Shootout

    Keys® Eye Butter vs Kiehl’s Avocado Eye Cream: Natural Rejuvenation at a Fraction of the Price   When it comes to finding the perfect eye cream, consumers are faced with a plethora of options. Two standout products in this crowded market are Keys® Eye Butter and Kiehl’s Avocado Eye Cream. While both aim to hydrate, brighten, and rejuvenate the delicate eye area, a closer look reveals why Keys Eye Butter emerges as the superior choice, offering a…

  • ProBiome®: The Rise of Probiotic and Prebiotic Skincare

    Preserving the Skin Microbiome with Keys® Article Summary Conventional skincare products laden with harsh chemicals disrupt the delicate balance of the skin’s microbiome, leading to various skin issues. Natural skincare brands like Keys® are pioneering the use of probiotic and prebiotic ingredients to nourish and restore the skin’s beneficial microorganisms. By incorporating live probiotic cultures, probiotic-derived extracts, and prebiotic plant compounds, these products aim to…

  • Embracing Our Role: We Stand as the Devoted Guardians of Our Dogs’ Health and Happiness

    Unlocking the Secret to Our Dogs Vitality: The Essential Role of Natural Skincare and Supplements The significance of natural skincare and supplements for dogs cannot be overstated in the quest to ensure our canine companions lead the longest, happiest, and healthiest lives possible. As dog parents and devoted guardians, we increasingly seek ways to enhance our dogs’ well-being, and the spotlight has turned toward holistic…

  • The Philosophical Renaissance of Magical Natural Skincare

    Discover the Healing Touch of Nature with Magical Natural Skincare That Transforms and Uplifts. by Wendy Steele In the tapestry of human existence, the skin acts as both a boundary and a bridge—shielding our inner sanctum while communicating our health, emotions, and even our soul’s history to the outside world. It is in this delicate interplay of protection and expression that magical natural skincare finds…

  • Future of Natural Skincare

    The Future of Natural Skincare: Innovations to Watch For In 2024 Nowadays, much of the natural products industry seems stalled and very introspective. Keys® has always been an innovator in our engineering culture. Much of the marketing and celebrity hype has quieted down, but the industry, in general, has stopped innovating. A few of us are carrying the torch of innovation and discovery. There are…

  • The Mythical Origins and Evolution of Acidic Skin Treatments

    The Origins and Evolution of Acidic Skin Treatments: From Historical Curiosities to Modern Skincare The Origins of My Interest Recently I got into a squabble with the author of a paper published on NIH PubMed. The author quoted the basis of their paper on two dudes that I would have to categorize as snake oil salesmen from the 1890s as a basis for why people…

  • Mendacious Trends or Just Plain Lies

    UnNatural Trend In The Natural Products Industry.  “Smiling Faces Sometime Tell Lies.” Mendacious and lying have similar meanings, but the two are not interchangeable.  Mendacious is more formal and literary, suggesting a deception harmless enough to be considered somewhat bland.  Lying is more blunt, accusatory, and often aggressive. You might yell, “You lying rat!” in an argument, but you would most likely stick to the more diplomatic, “Aren’t you being somewhat mendacious?”…

  • Keys® Product Formulations – A Formulators Perspective

    I receive a lot of very interesting questions every month that are escalated to me by our customer service. A question often enrobed in suggestions is in regard to Vitamins and the benefits of ingredients in our products. I am pleased and amazed at the complexity of the questions from our customers and the suggestions I receive. First, please remember that my team are engineers…

  • Phthalates – Diabetes + Hair Loss

    So what are Phthalates?  The Everywhere Chemical Phthalates are perhaps the nastiest chemicals found in personal care products. The FDA banned them for food, but not personal care. Perhaps the FDA has forgotten that skin absorption is the same as ingesting chemical In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health®, I spent much time explaining Phthalates. Here is a quick summary What are phthalates?  Phthalates are a…

  • Nextra® NeoRetinol – Exceeding Expectations

    Nextra® NeoRetinol Discovery – Better Than Retinol “I am in my 60’s and have been using Retinol for decades. By far, it is the best skincare product ever invented. I have purchased Retinol in tiny tubes for over $300 each for years, and it has been worth it until Nextra® NeoRetinol. When Bob Root researched and invented NeoRetinol, I was skeptical; how was it possible…

  • Island Rx For Hair Growth

    Island Rx Liquid Soap/Shampoo has been a Key® staple product for nearly twenty-four years. It was the product that Pfizer scientists applauded for its efficacy and clean-green design. It was one of our first four products and was the first developed for Wendy’s fight with Melanoma. Over the years Island Rx has been around, we discovered some interesting properties of Island Rx liquid soap that…

  • KODA Dog Products Explained

    Bob Root, Keys Scientist explains uses and functions of Keys KODA products. KODA helps to extend your dogs life by providing supplements that are functional and topical therapies to protect them from the environment!

  • Autoimmune Skin Disorders – The 80/20 Rule

    In life, there seem to be consistent numbers that play out. One set is commonly called the 80/20 Rule. In tech, it meant that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. In the science of skin, it seems that 80% of autoimmune skin disorders are caused by just one thing. Recently some science has confirmed that trend. A recent study I have read…

  • Alert – FDA Blocks Sanitizer Imports As Toxic

    You should be on alert that the FDA has halted import of all alcohol-based sanitizers made in Mexico. Many US off-brand sanitizers use Mexican sanitizer. Many are sold in bulk to grocery and retail stores for customer use at the front door. FDA found 87% to contain toxic ingredients and wood alcohol even though they claim to be Ethanol.

  • Greenwashing and Vaporware – Naturally (OpED)

    The natural skin products industry has never been regulated since the invention of the snake oil salesperson. The industry operates under the 'GRAS' banner, which means "Generally Accepted As Safe." Simply, this means that there is a lot of good in the industry and some bad.

  • Are We Aging Faster?

    7 Reasons People Are Aging Faster by Bob Root – the Author of Chemical-Free Skin Health & Keto Plus I was recently asked in an interview if people are visibly aging faster or slower than ten years ago. The answer is both yes and no. Kudos to some big companies that followed the wallets of knowledgeable consumers. Ten years ago, there was a handful of…

  • Our New Hand Sanitizer – And A Few Heroes

    Keys has a new interim product and it is a maximum strength hand sanitizer. Our Extra Strength Hand Sanitizer took just 20 minutes to develop and seven days to manufacture, market, and start delivering. Seven days total from concept to delivery with lots of heroes to thank along the way.

  • Branch Basics – Truly Natural

    Branch Basics is a company that is on purpose and walks their talk. They have developed a natural concentrated cleaner that reduces biomass without harming the microbiome of your home or your family. To be clean without harming the good bacteria we live with is of paramount importance to me. It would also seem that it is crucial to Branch Basics.

  • DIY Hand Sanitizers – That Really Work

    Time for Hand Sanitizers. It is important to be effective and know what you are putting on your hands.   There are a number of natural commercially available products that work.  Right now, they are hard to find in the stores.  So, it is time to make your own.  It is simple and done right, just as effective as the store-bought sanitizing products. DIY Sanitizers…

  • Debunking Hand Sanitizers

    Hand Sanitizers, The Right Way, and the Wrong Way. Where to begin? My article, “Just Wash Hands,” has brought a lot of comments. Lots of thank you’s, a few questions and some opinion. Cool, that is what is supposed to happen. Most comments address a short paragraph I wrote about “Hand Sanitizers.” There is a wrong way and a right way. Most of us do it the…

  • Chemical-Free Skin Health® by Bob Root. Get Your Free Copy Today

    When You Know Better, You Do Better Chemical-Free Skin Health® is a powerful book written about destructive chemicals in everyday skincare and cosmetics. Maria Shriver invited Bob to launch his book at the last California Women’s Conference she hosted. It is a must-read, and now you can download it for free Here for a limited time.  A $19.95 Value What It’s About Chemical-Free Skin Health®…

  • FDA Bans Triclosan – EPA, Your Turn

    In my book Chemical-Free Skin Health published in 2010, I pointed out the health risks of Triclosan including cancer, hormone disruption. Now it is time to look at the vast amount of other products that us Triclosan. EPA, your next!

  • Safe Cosmetics Campaign & Keys – Red Lists

    Safe Cosmetics has recently done a great job of updating their website and social media efforts. What we are especially pleased with is that they have come up with a great visual reference of what chemicals to avoid based on product function.

  • Balding? Hair Re-growth? – Keys Island Rx!

    Years of customer testimonials point to hair regrowth by using Keys Island Rx liquid soap as a shampoo. This article breaks down what might be the reason Island Rx works and explains some of the reasons Island Rx has a lot of fans. We are offering a discount code to try Island Rx....

  • Sunscreen Tips from the EWG

    We have posted tips from the EWG regarding sunscreens. Keys Solar Rx was ranked as a top product in the 2014 sunscreen report under the moisturizers with SPF category. Keys received one of the highest ratings for safety and efficacy.

  • FDA Taking Closer Look at ‘Antibacterial’ Soap

    "New data suggest that the risks associated with long-term, daily use of antibacterial soaps may outweigh the benefits," Rogers says. There are indications that certain ingredients in these soaps may contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and may have unanticipated hormonal effects that are of concern to FDA.

  • KODA SpotClean – Paw & Face Quick Cleanser

    SpotClean Paw & Face Foaming Cleanser is a brewed wash with botanicals and herbs for quick cleaning of the paws and face or any spot area as an interim cleanser between baths. Removes road dirt and allergens as well many chemicals used on public parks and lawns.

  • KODA OmniClean – Therapeutic Shampoo & Soap

    OmniClean is a natural Castile like therapeutic foaming shampoo and soap used for dogs with skin irritations, insect problems and to heal disorders. We add Neem and Karanja oil to the soap for their ayurvedic medicine healing and insect repellant properties.

  • KODA OmniShield – Natural Insect Repellent Spray

    OmniShield is an intense therapeutic naturopathic insect repellent spray that uses OmniCare as its base adding high levels of Neem and Karanja oil, peppermint, red thyme and lemongrass to repel over 200 flying and crawling insects including fleas, ticks, flies, mosquitoes and lice.

  • KODA OmniCare – Topical Therapy Spray

    OmniCare is a naturopathic therapeutic spray designed to heal skin irritations, insect bites, cuts, scrapes and hot spots. It is a combination of botanical, herb and spice extract that are brewed and then distilled.

  • Itchy Dog? Ditch the Perfume

    As for that nagging feeling about the itching and scratching after your dog’s bath or after a grooming session? The most likely reason your dog is scratching and itching is directly related to the perfumes, artificial fragrance and harsh ingredients in dog shampoos!

  • Itchy Dog? Ditch the Perfume

    As for that nagging feeling about the itching and scratching after your dog’s bath or after a grooming session? The most likely reason your dog is scratching and itching is directly related to the perfumes, artificial fragrance and harsh ingredients in dog shampoos!

  • Probiotics & Probiome – Feeding Your Skin!

    The skin needs probiotics like we need for improved digestion. The problem is that the skin is a lot more susceptible to chemicals, allergens and pollution. Worse, the products we use are killing the skin's probiome and the results are misdiagnosed skin disorders. Learn what to do and what not to do.

  • Polluted Pets – What are we doing?

    I am raising a red flag when it comes to our pets and the environment.  In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health® I pointed out that about 50 years ago just about everything we put on our skin or came in contact with was naturally derived.  Now nearly 95% is synthetic.  There are now tens of thousands of chemicals that are in use that have never…

  • Parabens – Just another Dirty Dozen Chemical?

    Parabens…Good Guys or Bad Guys? As a part of my ongoing series of looking at the Dirty Dozen Chemicals shown to provide elevated cancer rates in people and animals, in this article, I outline why we do not use parabens leaving the judgmental diagnosis to the NGO’s attacking them.  The Dirty Dozen Chemicals are a list of 12 developed originally by the Marin County Cancer…

  • A Close Shave

    Close Shave? I am often asked why we do not make a shave cream or shaving soap. My answer? We already do!

  • SK!N What’s Normal pH?

      by Bob Root, Keys CTO There is another book on the horizon for us.   The working title is simple, “SK!N”.   After Chemical-Free Skin Health was published, I started to get so many questions that focused more on “what to do” than what is wrong.  Yes, there will be a chapter about the negative effects of chemicals in products.  The majority of the…

  • The News Is Not All Bad!

    I must admit that I have been CNN Free for nearly tens years. Really!  I find myself working at looking at the world through positive lenses.  I have found that watching things out of my control affects my overall health.  This is not an “ignorance is bliss” approach to living as much as it is a focus on what I can effect, affect and control.…

  • What Some Sunscreens Are Hiding…(Republished)

    It is summer and it is sunscreen season.  Below is an article I recently wrote about the new welcomed changes from the FDA that will force manufacturers to reveal what is in their sunscreens.  Please read it and the links to the FDA.  This change has go a long way to help save lives through UVA and UVB dangers awareness.  Also, since this new regulation,…

  • Triclosan Ban Could Be On The Way

    Bob Root in his new book Chemical-Free Skin Health outlined many of his concerns over the widespread use of Triclosan in foods, products and skin care.  The article below was dated today in the Natural Products Manufacturers newsletter. From Natural Foods Merchandiser The Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether to ban the antibacterial chemical triclosan in consumer products, in response to a petition submitted by 82 environmental…

  • Fragrance – Keys Reports

    In an effort to bring relevant information to you, we occasionally find interesting reports.  This one tags onto the EWG Fragrance Report and includes concerns we have had for a long time regarding unlisted chemicals in fragrance found in household products. This is a FYI for you! ____________________________________________________________ Scented Consumer Products Shown to Emit Many Unlisted Chemicals

  • On The Press! New Book by Keys Founder – Bob Root

    Chemical-Free Skin Health! Bob announced the beginning of a book focused on skin health over two years ago at the Natural Products Expo West. His book will be published in early October and Bob will officially launch the book at the 2010 California Women’s Conference. Maria Shriver chose Keys Luminos for last years Women’s Conference for the speakers gift bag. This year, she chose Keys…

  • The Story of Cosmetics • Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

    Comments of the personal care industry, by Bob Root, Keys CTO “The world is a changen,” is an old southern phrase.   It generally means that new things continue to appear at a little to fast a pace.   The concept of safe cosmetics does not fit into that phrase.  I believe we are actually returning to the basics and our roots from not a…

  • Triclosan: The Biocide That Creates Super Bugs?

    Triclosan: The Biocide that Creates Super Bugs? By Bob Root, Keys Technologist   Chemical Warfare Chapter 12:  Biocides:  Indiscriminate killers that create super bugs? For almost two years, I have been working on a book draft titled, “Chemical Warfare.”  It is a book focused on simplifying information about personal care and household products uses and concerns for public safety.  As I studied, I realized how…

  • About Us – A Defining Moment

    Keys was born from a need for natural skin care products the likes of which did not exist before we started. Our founder, Wendy Steele, survived Melanoma and her story of her road to recovery was littered with prescription products that almost worked.  The trauma showed her the clear vision need for products that really worked to solve skin problems.  Because they are natural, they…

  • EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report – Sunscreen For Dummies

    Bob Root, Keys CTO It is that time of year again when the various sunscreen reports come out. The Environmental Working Group 2010 Sunscreen Report is out a couple of months early. Once again, Keys Solar Rx receives great marks in the Moisturizer with SPF category. I offer the title above with a great deal of respect for this years EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report.  I…

  • Parabens Good Or Bad Guys

    Both? As a part of my ongoing series of looking at the Dirty Dozen Chemicals shown to provide elevated cancer rates in people and animals, in this article, I outline why we do not use parabens leaving the judgmental diagnosis to the NGO’s attacking them.  The Dirty Dozen Chemicals are a list of 12 developed originally by the Marin County Cancer Project which at the…

  • Wax and Other Things That Threaten Mankind

    Ingredients, Skin Deep Report  and Everything Else… Musing from an interview with Bob Root, Keys Care CTO I recently took up Storm Chasing as a hobby… Just kidding although I feel like one of those guys chasing Tornado’s in the Midwest when it comes to the natural products industry. I was recently on a conference call with various members of the Natural Products Manufacturers Association enraged…

  • EWG Report on Fragrance – Not So Sexy!

    The EWG just released a report on Fragrances. Below is a part of the report and links to read the entire report. What is important to understand is that these same secret ingredients are used in personal care and household products. That familiar brand fragrance of Tide, Dreft and dryer sheets come from fragrance developed in the same process as the cologne’s and perfumes listed…

  • Our Green Piece…How It’s Made at Keys!

    by Bob Root Keys Technologist Clean, Caring, Concerned and Diligent! Everyone want to know these days what is in your products, what is not in your products and how does the making of your products effect the environment.  I thought it might be lighter to use the title Green Piece with an ‘i’ because that is what the PR people call the eco statement that…

  • Keys Banned Chemical Series – SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate)

    Dirty Dozen Chemicals: SLS By Bob Root Keys Technologist Many people that I meet ask me to describe why I do not use certain chemicals.  I tell them that my reasons are practical not political.  I generally explain in three to five pragmatic reasons why I do not use certain ingredients.  Most encourage me to offer my simplified reasons, so I am beginning to undertake…

  • New iPhone Application to Track Cosmetic Ingredients

    A new iPhone application promises to inform the consumer of which products should be avoided using a database of INCI names and the ingredients allotted safety profile. Cosmetifique can be used with both the iPhone and iPod Touch and claims to have a searchable database of over 5,000 ingredients, in INCI format. Results for ingredients searches come back highlighted as either red, orange or green, to…

  • Phthalates Linked To ADHD

    In keeping with our commitment to keep you informed about studies dealing with the Dirty Thirty chemicals, here is a synopsis and link to a recent article regarding phthalates in personal care products.  Please note that we have tracked the use of phthalates in room fresheners, scented candles, dryer sheets, laundry detergents, cologne/perfumes and a high percentage of personal care products.  The consumer simple rule that…

  • The Dirty Thirty. A Reprised Dirty Dozen… 30 Bad Boy Chemicals!

    At Keys, we have a core philosophy to not use any chemicals in our products that remotely have health concerns, known allergens or irritants.  Like many, we started our business based on a need and we try to minimize negative marketing.  If we were to list all the no’s, it would fill an entire web page.  We chose to use the term chemical-free although it…

  • Nano Zinc Oxide… Hundreds of Studies Show It’s Safe! Really!

    By Bob Root,  Keys Technologist One day when I was young, I was reading an issue of Popular Science Magazine with a story about a bold project to put man into space.  I was so excited.  Like many young people, I fantasized about flying in space.  I became an avid follower of early rocket pioneers and awaited the day when the first manned rocket would…

  • Why We Use Airless Pumps and Not Tubes

    Airless Pumps versus Tubes By Bob Root Keys Technologist I am often asked the question of why I chose airless pumps for our products over traditional tubes. Well, there is no simple answer, but a series of reasons that we chose this very advanced technology developed in the Netherlands along with our design team. The most important reasons are health, safety and cleanliness of the…
