Keys Articles

Keys Now Blog Merges with Clean Green Cafe

coffe-gal-xlarge-no-nails-coffee-cupIn a world of fast paced communications, we continue to try to simplify, condense and corral the information we present in a way that helps clarify not only our position, but that of the natural products industry.  Over the next few month, we will continue to simplify all that we present to be in one place.  Here!

The Clean Green Cafe offers both a chat forum and a blog.  These are now condensed to this location and available on the tab bar above.

The writing style will continue to be firm, frank and friendly bringing all of what we can find out that is going on, the trends and our opinion of things.

The Clean Green Cafe will also continue to be a place where we aim to inform.  It will also be the home of the new book being written by our founder, Bob Root, titled “Chemical Warfare!” a story about the natural products industry from an insiders perspective.

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