• Foot Calluses? Go Gluten-Free!

    From Bob Root, Keys Founder. We may have found a direct correlation to calluses on the feet and toes and gluten in peoples diets. A revelation to some is just another reason to get off gluten for others.

  • Travel Tips from Dr. Amy

    Tips to Stay UltraHealthy While Traveling Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, with family, friends or solo here are some tips to stay UltraHealthy while away from home

  • You are what you apply – to your skin!

    You are what you apply – to your skin! What’s in your body lotion? You’ve heard the old adage “you are what you eat.” Now I’d like to add another to that. “You are what you apply.” To your skin, that is!  Substances that affect your overall health and wellbeing don’t simply work their way through your system by travelling the gut alone.  An often-overlooked…

  • The Future of Medicine is NOW!

    The future of medicine is now. If I asked you to describe your ideal physician – what would he or she “look” like?  Would she be compassionate and empathic?  Would she meet with you for a hour or maybe even two? Would she listen attentively to every detail of your health history knowing it’s interconnected like a web and everything is a clue into your…

  • UltraHealth…What A Concept! A Real BHAG!

    UltraHealth…What A Concept!  A Real BHAG! by Bob Root, Keys technologists & founder In tech, we had a phrase that we used to differentiate really big projects.  BHAG stands for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.  When I helped to start Keys, we had some big hairy goals.  Universal Wellness was perhaps the biggest. Remember, I am from high tech engineering, a practicing quantum physicist and…
