• Keys Now Featured on YouTube and Apple Podcasts

    Friends of ours at our parent company, Orion, remind us that communicating meaning is a very precise thing.  As humans, we communicate meaning best when we are fully present together.  They tell us that 7% of meaning is communicated with words, 38% tone of voice and 55% body language.  This is why we have formalized our video and podcast communication paths.   We will strive to add new content weekly to both channels and ask you to subscribe to receive these notifications from YouTube and Apple Connect. These videos and podcasts are a new series for Keys® where we delve into the science of Chemical-Free Skin Health® and the use…

  • Keys New YouTube Channel

    First Look Keys is happy to announce a new up-to-date YouTube Channel. Over the years, we have broadcast videos on a periodic as-needed basis. Now we have a dedicated channel that will bring relevant content in a consistent format. Videos will range from product documentaries to open issues about skincare and chapter reviews from Bob’s book, “Chemical-Free Skin Health®. The nice thing about YouTube is that you can subscribe and get notifications of new content. Below is the first episode of this new series. We plan that Bob & Wendy will bring you a new video each week.  This episode covers a quick look at our origins, philosophy and product…
