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Your Skin & Omega 3’s

Sardines for Beautiful Skin – Sardines = Omega 3’s! Sardines may be the best anti-aging secret going to protect and beautify your skin.  It The Omega 3 oils, collagen and proteins are the start of something beautiful…You! Forever, skin gurus have said there is a direct relationship between Omega 3 oil and beautiful, youthful skin. I agree. Also, it is the balance of Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s that is equally important. Too much Omega 6 is bad and can cause breakout on the skin and discoloration. Omega 3’s only is excellent, but balancing Omega 3, 6 and 9 is essential. It turns out the perfect combination is sardines. Don’t like sardines? Too bad because fish oil capsules won’t work. Here is why. Buying fish oil capsules and smearing will not work because your skin and pores will not like it. The combination will clog your pores, and the oils themselves are going the wrong direction when you apply them. They want to be excreted from the skin and pores. Some believe that taking a high-end fish oil capsule works, but not in my experience. What does work is eating a can of those silvery goodness fishes and watching your […]

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