Eczema is a catchall term for a lot of doctors. The cause is unknown, but some of us suspect chemicals in everyday products. Common culprits for chemically induced eczema are sulfates in laundry detergents, PEG (propylene glycol) in just about everything, and parabens (a biocide in most products). So, we have heard from our customers that finding the cause of skin irritation is much more important than giving it a name. Doc’s want to name it so they can prescribe steroids and topical antibiotics. This seems to make things worse, with usually a fast relief and then a return of the irritation with a vengeance. Our customers tell us that our MetaCare and RediCare do an excellent job of getting rid of the symptoms and keeping them away. The secret is the Neem and Karanja oil we use, along with high-quality ingredients. MetaCare is a nice soothing lotion, and RediCare is the same basic formula in a sprayable lotion that is good for larger areas. The trick seems to find out what is bothering the skin. Sleuthing the cause is the best solution. Look to those laundry detergents that mostly use sulfates and optical brighteners (phosphorus). Most imported clothing has […]
Read moreCalluses a Gluten Connection?
I was attending a panel discussion at an industry event. A researcher from Finland showed a study connection calluses on feet, knees, hands, and elbows to people having gluten intolerance. The speaker did not offer any solutions other than avoiding gluten.
What was particularly interesting is that she did point out that it was a manifestation that covered those people with mild gluten intolerances as well as those with full-blown celiac disease. I asked her if there was a Psoriasis connection and she said there was, but not enough detail was available.
We have noted that both our Tortuga lotion and MetaCare have a semi-fast-acting effect on calluses and Psoriasis. We have seen and heard from our customers that eliminating gluten has reversed calluses. Initially, we thought that it was just the Tortuga or MetaCare. Now, we are wondering.
Read moreEczema – It’s Probably the Chemicals in Your Life!
Eczema seems to be a catchall term for a lot of doctors. The cause is unknown, but some of us suspect chemicals in everyday products.
Bob Root – Keys Founder
Common culprits for chemically induced eczema are sulfates in laundry detergents, PEG (propylene glycol) in just about everything and parabens (a biocide in most products). So, what we have heard from our customers is that finding the cause of the skin irritation is much more important than giving it a name. Doc’s seem to want to name it so they can prescribe steroids and topical antibiotics. We find this seems to make thing worse with usually a fast relief and then a return of the irritation with a vengeance.
Our customers tell us that our MetaCare and RediCare do an excellent job of getting rid of the symptoms and keeping them away. The secret seems to be the Neem and Karanja oil we use along with high-quality ingredients. MetaCare is a nice soothing lotion, and RediCare is the same basic formula in a sprayable lotion that is good for larger areas.
Read moreFoot Calluses? Go Gluten-Free!
From Bob Root, Keys Founder. We may have found a direct correlation to calluses on the feet and toes and gluten in peoples diets. A revelation to some is just another reason to get off gluten for others.
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