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Inflation? Recession? – Time To Buy Quality

Inflation or Recession or Both? I recently listened in on a financial advisory call from our bank Wells Fargo.  It was equally interesting and confusing.  I came away from the call with some very specific thoughts that I want to share from a Keys® perspective. Depending on who you talk to, we are experiencing unwarranted inflation with recession hiding in plain sight.  So, naturally these are times to be thrifty, but thrifty does not mean cheap. Unfortunately, cheap is the go-to option for some when trying to save money. Out of pocket is out of pocket. When you weigh and make decisions on the outcomes and performance of a product, the game changes.  The operative phrase is quality over quanity whether times are good or bad.  At Keys® holding the line on pricing is our way of fighting inflation and offering quality assures that in a recession that our customers win. No riddle intended; when you base your buying decisions more on what you get versus what you pay, a whole new world opens up. It is the world of quality over quantity. The reason is that you get what you pay for at Keys®. Or, in the case of […]

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