From Bob Root, Keys Founder. We may have found a direct correlation to calluses on the feet and toes and gluten in peoples diets. A revelation to some is just another reason to get off gluten for others.
Read moreGoing Natural in a Synthetic World – Bob Root
In his book, Chemical-Free Skin Health, Bob Root covers many subjects designed to help people understand how to Stop, Challenge and Choose a healthier way of thinking by becoming chemical-free.
Read moreKPRO Product Overview Video – Bob Root Keys Formulator
A new video describing the Keys KPRO line by Bob Root, Keys Founder and Formulator
Read moreKeys Overview Video with Wendy Steele
This is the first in a new series of online videos from Keys. New technology will permit us to create small and effective videos for you to help understand us, our products and our mission. This is also available on the new Keys YouTube Channel at
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Below is the Snapshot version of the overview above and is designed for a quick look at Keys, our products and philosophy. It is design to be embedded, linked or downloaded for our resellers websites, blogs and forum. It may also be embedded form our YouTube Skin Deep Channel at the link above.
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About Us – A Defining Moment
Keys was born from a need for natural skin care products the likes of which did not exist before we started. Our founder, Wendy Steele, survived Melanoma and her story of her road to recovery was littered with prescription products that almost worked. The trauma showed her the clear vision need for products that really worked to solve skin problems. Because they are natural, they also made her feel good with a new youthful appearance and the resulting contentment showed her the way in creating Keys In the simplest of messages, Keys is ancient remedies employing modern technologies for people with skin disorders, those that want to be chemical-free, people who want their family to have natural alternatives and for post cancer recovery survivors. We are: Natural Beauty Natural Skin Care Natural Skin Therapies Natural Hair Care Natural Dog Care & Supplements Keys Purpose and Direction We are not just a natural products company with scents of lavender and claims of what ingredients we do not have in our products. We consider ourselves a natural medicine and therapy products company that happens to use natural ingredients. We use functional ingredients in therapeutic proportions to design and build skin care, beauty, skin therapies and dog care […]
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