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Phthalates – Diabetes + Hair Loss

So what are Phthalates?  The Everywhere Chemical Phthalates are perhaps the nastiest chemicals found in personal care products. The FDA banned them for food, but not personal care. Perhaps the FDA has forgotten that skin absorption is the same as ingesting chemical In my book, Chemical-Free Skin Health®, I spent much time explaining Phthalates. Here is a quick summary What are phthalates?  Phthalates are a family of artificial chemical compounds developed in the last century to be used to manufacture plastics, solvents, and personal care products. They are colorless, odorless, oily liquids that do not evaporate quickly and do not chemically bind to the material they are added to.  How am I exposed to phthalates?  Ingestion, inhalation, skin absorption, and intravenous injection are potential exposure pathways. The ever-present use of phthalates as an additive to PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products to make them flexible and to personal care products to make fragrances last longer in the past 50 years has resulted in widespread general population exposure.  Phthalates are readily absorbed into the human body and quickly converted to their respective metabolites. Unlike some chemicals, they pass out of the body quickly in urine and feces. Phthalates can interact with each other […]

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