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Ayurvedic Skin Care at Keys® – Neem & Karanja adaptogens

Neem & Karanja Adaptogenic Skin Care Keys MetaCare MetaClean and RediCare use Neem and Karanja oil as the adaptogen basis of the ayurvedic skin care properties. We have eight (8) products that use Neem and Karanja for their adaptogenic ayurvedic skin care properties. Ten years of service to our has made both MetaCare and RediCare revered for their functionality and efficacy. MetaClean is a remarkable Castile Soap. Natural Therapies! Our dog products using Neem and Karanja are among our most popular. Urban Shield Gel is a go-to therapy product. Our ForceX insect repellant uses Neem and Karanja to deter flying and crawling insects. The big deal is that Neem and Karanja oil are adaptogenic skin therapies with a proven track record with our customers. So what are adaptogens? Adaptogens are herbs that have been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years. They are known for their ability to reduce fatigue and the toxic effects of stress, and they adapt to what the body needs, regulating the body’s systems.    Here are some ways our adaptogenic products can help in skincare: Improve skin hydration: Studies have shown that adaptogens can improve skin hydration, leaving it looking and feeling smoother […]

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