Sincere Appreciation for you our customers
A Season of Appreciation, Sincerity, and Gratitude

Dear Valued Customers,

Wendy Steele, Keys CEO and Founder

As we approach the end of another year, we at Keys® would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for your continued support and loyalty. The holiday season is a time for reflection, gratitude, and sincere thanks, and we want you to know how much we value each of you.


Many know that Bob Root, my husband, partner, and friend, saved my life by discovering Melanoma on my leg. It became the foundation of our business because the prescription drugs caused untold damage to my skin, appearance, and psyche. Keys® was born because my lovable engineer developed and refined every product we have today. Initially, it was for me, and then the thousands of people who he has helped reform their lives are all documented over the last twenty years. What a great feeling it must be for him at this time of year to realize all the people he has helped with unquestionably some of the best skincare and skin therapies on the planet.

A Year of Growth and Success

This past year has been filled with growth and success for Keys®, and we couldn't have achieved it without you. Your trust in our products and services has allowed us to expand our offerings, improve our customer experience, and reach new heights. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to serve and help you achieve your goals.

The Power of Sincerity

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, the holiday season reminds us of the importance of slowing down, connecting with others, and expressing genuine appreciation. At Keys®, we believe in the power of sincerity and strive to demonstrate this in every interaction with our customers.

Giving Thanks

As we gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays, we are reminded of the many blessings in our lives. We sincerely thank you, for choosing Keys® and allowing us to join your journey. Your support means the world to us, and we are committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services in the coming year.

Looking Forward to the New Year

As we look ahead to 2024, we are excited about the opportunities. We will continue innovating and expanding our offerings to serve better and meet your needs. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality and customer service, and we look forward to building on our relationship with you in the new year.

From all of us at Keys®, we wish you a joyful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Thank you for being a part of our family, and here's to a prosperous 2024!

See you on the other side in 2024

Warmest Regards,

Wendy Steele

Keys CEO & Founder

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